In business since 1988 as Page Aviation.

Cotulla-LaSalle County Airport
Runway and Ramp
The 6,005' x 75' runway, 4-bar PAPI lights, enlarged ramp, and taxiways were completed in 2015.ย The runway Pavement Classification Number (PCN) is 41/F/C/X/T. This PCN represents a safe single-wheel maximum gross weight of 105,000# and a safe dual-wheel maximum gross weight of 147,000#.
Terminal Building
The new airport terminal includes a spacious lobby, kitchen/break room, conference room, nice restrooms and a business/flight planning room with computer, printer and telephone access. There is also high speed Wi-Fi throughout the facility.
A portion of the terminal is available 24/7 that includes a separate lounge area, restroom, shower, snooze room and access to the computer and printer in the business center/flight planning room.
Two straight-in GPS-LPV approaches and a circling VOR approach provide the best (lowest) approach minimums between San Antonio and Laredo. The straight-in approaches down to 250' AGL and 3/4 mile visibility are especially nice, and the FAA radio communications outlet on the airport is very helpful for opening and closing flight plans.
Cotulla is the only airport in the area with 24/7 METARs and TAFs for current and forecast weather reports.
The National Weather Service automated weather system on the airport is a definite advantage for FAA Part 135 air taxi operators and others seeking enhanced safety. This system provides continuous official weather, which is reported through normal NWS/FAA channels, over a VHF transmitter on 118.32 MHz, and by phone at 830-879-2861.
Airport Security is excellent. The runway and ramp are enclosed by a tall, deer resistant fence that provides good security as well as a safe aircraft operations area. Access to the ramp is controlled by an automated gate. There are several security lights and a video surveillance system covering the ramp, terminal, and hangar complex, and the airport manager lives on the airport overlooking the ramp, providing an added measure of security.
Large corporate jets including Challengers, Citations, Falcons, Gulfstreams, Hawkers, Learjets and numerous others routinely use the airport.
The Cotulla-La Salle County Airport is well suited for a wide range of operations due to its location and capabilities, and there is ample acreage and infrastructure on the airport to accommodate large-scale airport operations and future growth.