In business since 1988 as Page Aviation.

Welcome to Cotulla
Home of the best Texas hunting in the heart of Eagle Ford Shale
Hours of Operation
Mon - Sun: 8am - 6pm
After Hours Available
24/7 Pilot Lounge

"ET & Scott are absolutely wonderful and provide excellent full service. Great service at a great price! Thanks for being there for us!"
- Frank R.

Cotulla-LaSalle County Airport
National Weather Service station on the airport!
Only airport in the area with 24/7 METARs and TAFs.
ASOS provides continuous official weather on 118.32 and 830-879-2861.
Real-time data can also be requested from UNICOM on 122.7.
Longest runway, large ramp, and the best instrument approaches in the area!
6,005' x 75' runway with 4-bar PAPI lights.
PCN 41 - 147,000# max weight (dual)
VOR and GPS-LPV approaches down to 250' and 3/4 mile visibility.
Full-length taxiway.
Well suited for a wide range of operations!
Centrally located in the Eagle Ford Shale with easy access to numerous ranches.
High deer-resistant fence surrounding the runway operations area.
Extensive security lighting and video surveillance.
Get in Touch
550 Airport Rd, Cotulla, TX 78014, USA
Phone: (830) 879-3858
Fax: (830) 879-3011